The Brenda Strafford Foundation is undertaking extensive renovations to the Victoria Palliser and Alberta Diefenbaker wings at Bow View Manor – in the original part of the building that was built in 1961. The renovations commence on February 14, 2017, and are scheduled to take place over two years, with an expected completion date of March 28, 2019.
The overall purpose for the renovation is to improve the standard of accommodation, and enhance the safety and quality of life for our residents and families. Our staff remain committed to your needs, and to maintaining our service excellence and quality of care during these renovations.
During construction, residents located in the old part of the building that is to be renovated will require temporary relocation. These impacted residents will receive individual communication closer to the time of their move, with no less than four weeks’ notice of relocation to be given.
Residents in other parts of the Manor may also be impacted by access to facilities during different phases of the renovation. Alternative arrangements will be made for nursing, bathing, dining and recreation to ensure these activities are maintained. Any unavoidable changes to these services will be communicated as they arise.
To keep you up to date on progress and changes for the duration of the project, Renovation Updates will be an ongoing agenda item at the monthly Resident and Family Council meetings. Residents and families may also be invited to attend Town Halls that will be scheduled on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Please look out for regular progress updates to be posted to Notice Boards onsite, and on our website.
Thank you in advance for your patience during the renovations. With your understanding and cooperation during this time, we will provide a much improved living environment for our residents. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know.